Monday, September 19, 2011

So Who Wants To Know?

Today was the day to get my belly all gooed up and take a peak inside at the little critter that's been growing in there for the past 21 weeks.  It's so fun to see all the little body parts...some were obvious and others just looked like fuzz to me...but I took the ultrasound tech's word for it and just agreed when she told me all the organs were there.  So here's our first little picture...

And my favorite shot of the little butt and feet that were curled up tight...

And the most exciting part...which I'm sure is the real reason you came to read this post...

It's a BOY!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What A Hoot!!

A sad day has come when I have to pack up my sewing room for the move to our new house.  I hate having to put all my things in a box and just hope that they will soon find a place in our new home.  There won't be much sewing for me for a little while but I do have a project to share!!

What A Hoot!!

This little cuttie was a lot of fun to make.  I got to dig through my boxes of scraps for all of the owl pieces.

There was some straight line quilting through the owl squares and some random swirl fill pattern everywhere else.

An my favorite part was the jumbo ric rac I added to the top and bottom.  I just love the texture and color it added.

The quilt was a gift for my mom for her birthday.  She has a thing for owls.  I designed the label in Adobe Illustrator and then just printed on fabric.

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hello Blog...Have I Got Some News For You!!

I have been missing from blog land lately...but for very good reason I do believe.  This photo might help explain...

YES, I'm pregnant!!  This wonderful little baby has taken over my body and given me no mercy.  Well, not until lately when my pb&j diet has evolved back to more grown up food and my bed time has been pushed back until about 9pm instead of immediately following dinner.  It has been a wonderful experience so far.  I am now 19 weeks along and we only have 2 more weeks until we can find out if it's a boy or a girl. 

So back to the photo wonderful hubs (pictured) is a computer person.  He writes and trouble shoots html code all day long.  He spends hours in the evening surfing the internet.  And I have never known him to purchase anything without first doing hours of online research for the item.  However, when it comes to selecting a baby name he refused to look at any of the millions of names in data bases found all over the web.  No, he needed a real life 688 page book to hold.  I'm finding out early that babies will make you do some funny things.

So now that I'm feeling human again, let the baby crafting begin!! 

The start of our first baby quilt...

And some burp cloths I made for a new mom and of course our baby got a matching set as well...

Unfortunately, the list of projects I want to make keeps growing every day so now I must go to my room and make something!!