Friday, February 11, 2011

UFO...Finally Finished

This little beauty has been hanging out in my closest in a stack of unfinished projects for a long time now.  I can't even remember where the pattern was from or if I even used one.  I do, however, remember that the fabric was the first jelly roll I ever purchased.  It came from a booth at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago which means it has to be a purchase from at least 7 or 8 years ago.

I finally freed it from it's lifetime of quilt top banishment in the infamous UFO pile.  I used it to practice the new skills I learned on a Gammill long arm machine.  It's a dirty trick learning to use such a fantastic machine before discovering the price tag on that baby.  It did a great job though and I'll just consider myself lucky to have a place locally that I can rent time on such a great machine. 

I love the finished quilt.  And any finished quilt is better than one in the UFO pile any day!!